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February 15, 2023

Updated: Jan 26, 2024

HB 106 – Increase Public Employee Pension Max

HB 106 seeks to change the maximum allowed pension payment from 90% to 100% of the final average salary for certain state government workers under the Public Employees Retirement Act (PERA). This includes state police, correctional officers, probation and parole officers, juvenile correction officers, municipal general members, municipal police members, municipal fire members, and municipal detention officers.

Unfortunately, the language of the bill would require the workers identified above to work longer (10% longer or 3 years and 4 months for a 30-year employee) to receive 100% of their salary.

I voted no. I do not agree with the adding of years to our first responders to receive their benefit. This measure passed the house.

HB 103 – Campaign Reporting Act Changes

This bill would change reporting dates for campaign donations and expenditures; change the amount of donations that must be reported in a supplemental report in the final days of an election to donations of $1,000 or more for all state elections.

In my opinion, the date changes do not allow for complete disclosure of General Election Donations.

Passed the house 48 to 21. I voted no.

HB 169 – Disclosure of Legislative Ethics Complaints

HB 169 proposes to remove the confidentiality requirement that a complainant in a legislative ethics complaint not publicly disclose any information relative to the filing of or investigation of a complaint made to the interim legislative ethics committee alleging misconduct of a legislator.

This bill has the potential to weaponize complaints against a legislator by opening them public an accusation, factual or groundless, that has not been heard and ruled on by the Ethics Commission.

During debate, the bill sponsor acknowledged that there is no penalty for filing a complaint that was found to have no basis or foundation.

This bill passed the house 39 to 28. I voted no.

HB 79 – 3-Year Insurance Premium Rate Hearings

This legislation would extend the interval between title premium rate and regulation hearings from two to three years. Currently, the Superintendent of Insurance holds title premium rate and regulation hearings each odd-numbered year. This change gives the Superintendent the discretion to hold a rate hearing at any time during the three-year interval.

This bill passed the house unanimously.

HB 93/aa – Pharmacy Act & Board of Pharmacy Changes

Amends several portions of the Pharmacy Act and requires the New Mexico Medical Board (NMMB) to promulgate new rules.

These changes exempt certain residential childcare facilities from the term custodial care facility, allows for electronic mail notification of board meetings, allows the board to write rules relating to pharmacists, pharmacist interns, pharmacy technicians and applicants for licensure or registration, write rules related to reporting of dispensed non-controlled dangerous drugs to the prescription monitoring program, changes to the quantity of prescription drug that can be dispensed without authorization of the licensed practitioner from a 72-hour supply to a 30-day supply, and removes annual reporting requirements from non-resident pharmacies for all pharmacists who are dispensing dangerous drugs to residents of the state.

This bill passed the house unanimously.


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