HB 118 – Create the Office of Entrepreneurship
HB 118 creates an office of entrepreneurship within the economic development department. This office would be charged with strengthening policies and programs supporting the growth of entrepreneurship in New Mexico. It shall work with stakeholders and organizations supporting entrepreneurship to enhance learning and skills, provide technical support and expand access to resources for entrepreneurs across the state. I would also serve as a point of contact to assist businesses operating for five years or less in their interactions with state government.
The bill further requires the new agency to prepare an annual “entrepreneur impact statement” that details the extent to which legislation signed by the governor in the prior twelve months supports, hinders or otherwise affects businesses operating for five years or less.
House bill 2 has $500,000 appropriation from the General Fund to implement this legislation.
This bill passed the house. I voted yes.
HB 27 – Breast Exam Health Coverage
This bill would prohibit health insurance providers from requiring co-pay for breast exams like MRI’s and ultrasounds meant to diagnose breast cancer or other anomalies.
By eliminating a co-pay for preventative and follow-up diagnostic care this will encourage more women to get these important tests.
This bill passed the house unanimously.
HB 142/cs/a – Generating Facility and Mine Remediation
This bill directs that a contracted “study” be performed by EMNRD and NMED regarding the decommissioning and remediation of the former San Juan Generating Station.
During house appropriations we removed the $1M appropriation. This is redundant to existing federal and state law. PNM is responsible to decommission and reclaim the property and there is a reclamation fund to pay for the work in accordance to federal law.
This is passed the house on a 55 – 5 vote. I voted no.
HB 153 – Livestock Larceny Separate Offenses
This proposed legislation pertains to larceny of livestock to clarify that theft of multiple livestock shall constitute a separate offense for each individual animal stolen.
This bill passed the house on a 55 – 2 vote. The only 2 nay votes were trial attorneys.
HB 161/a – Intertribal Indian Ceremonial Association
HB 161 would move the Intertribal Ceremonial Office from NM Tourism Department to the Local Government Division of the Department of Finance and Administration and rename the office to “The Intertribal Indian Ceremony Association.”
This bill passed the house unanimously.